Upcoming Workshops, Seminars & Events


Standard Cancellation Policy: All group classes and workshops/events require payment for you to hold your spot. If you pull from a class/workshop/seminar/etc. and we can fill your spot, we can offer you a refund (minus a 5% processing fee). NO REFUNDS for “accidental purchases”, please be aware of what you are signing up for! If you decide to pull from an event and we cannot fill your spot we cannot offer you a refund. No refunds for ANY cancellations 48 hours from a workshop (start time).

PLEASE NOTE: **If you are bringing a partner with you and you have a working spot,
they MUST sign up for an auditing spot. Thank you!!**



We spent a lot of money on this brand new turf!
Please treat it as if it were your own house and do not allow your dog to use the bathroom on it.

If your dog goes to the bathroom on the turf, you will be charged a $20 clean up fee.

 Some tips to avoid accidents:
When you are receiving feedback or instructions from your trainer, put them in a stationary position like a sit or down stay
When your dog is not actively working; stay actively engaged with them or put them on a place mat/bed or in a crate
If your dog is prone to marking take them outside before or after each turn 

Failure to pay the $20 clean up fee results in inability to continue using services here this includes: group classes, private lessons, etc. No refunds will be issued. 

Thank you for understanding and respecting our training space!

If your appointment says TURF ARENA on it then you will enter through DOOR 2. On the far left side of the building.
If your appointment says RUBBER ARENA on it then you will enter through DOOR 1. This is the entrance we have always used in the past.

Learn more about our Sport Dog Monthly Subscription!

Happy Ratter Run Thrus

These are for dogs who have completed an intro workshop (here or elsewhere).


Upcoming Dates: 03/28, 04/04, 04/11

Intro to Happy Ratters Workshops

$40/dog, 5 dogs a session, two sessions

The Happy Ratter’s Philosophy – the goal is for the dog and owner to have a fun, positive and successful experience while enhancing the bond between dog and owner, and placing a high priority on safety!

  • Fun, trusting environment for dogs and their handlers to find vermin(rats) in “urban” settings.

  • A titling program that allows all dogs to compete toward different level titles.

  • A program that encourages camaraderie and support between competitors.

 “urban” setting: trash bags, boxes and barrels and other items possibly found in a city alley, with the big difference being this is clean trash, new bags with shredded paper, clean boxes, etc.

In this one hour workshop instructor Marianne Hall will introduce you and your dog to the sport of Happy Ratters! In this sport dogs find rats in tubes in a variety of settings. The rats are not harmed in this sport and are extremely well cared for. Dogs will work one at a time. Any dog can play Happy Ratters! If your dog isn’t naturally crazy about vermin you can train this sport just like any other and it can be a great outlet for your dog. We hope to start hosting trials at the building next year!
Two sessions: 9-10am and 10:30-11:30am

Cancellation Policy: Payment is REQUIRED to hold your spot. If you need to cancel your spot 72 hours before the workshop we can provide a refund (minus a 5% processing fee). After 72 hours we can only offer a refund (minus a 5% processing fee) if we can fill your spot.

Upcoming dates: 04/05

April 13, 2025: HAPPY RATTER TRIAL!

Sunday April 20th

NEK9A Triple Threat Team Challenge!

Agility, Rally and Scent Work! These are FOR FUN, NON-SANCTIONED EVENTS! We will have ribbons for 1-3rd placements for each separate event. You DO NOT need to register for all 3 events to participate! You can enter multiple dogs at the same level for Agility and Rally, but NOT for scent work (unless doing FEO). Limit of 25 dogs in each class. This will be an all day event!

Please read the event information below for all the rules and information!

Thursdays in March

Mondioring/CDSP Obedience Drop In Class
$40/dog, limit 8 dogs

Starting at 7PM (STARTING AT 7:30PM on 03/13): Each dog will work one at a time in this drop in class for 15 minutes on whatever mondioring OR CDSP obedience you want to work on. Come with a general idea of what exercises you are interested in working on! For this drop in class you will need to be present the whole time (this includes coming at 7PM to help set up and staying till the last dog is done to clean up - approximately 2 hours) and maybe asked to help with distractions with other dogs in the drop in. We also offer private lessons for mondioring and CDSP if you are interested. There will be no mondio jumps available for use in these drop ins as we will be focusing on obedience, there will be jumps available for CDSP. if you are interested in working on mondio jumps with your dog please set up a private or attend one of our open training days. Dog should have basic obedience and be able to work well off leash if you are signing up for this drop in.

March 20, 2025

Joaquim Dovat Mondioring Decoy Seminar!

9am-5pm (with a 30 minute lunch break, lunch will not be provided so please bring your own!)
Come learn from one of the best! This seminar will be focused on decoy work for the sport of mondioring, however many of the theories will be applicable to other sports as well. This one day seminar will cover theory, puppy and young dog development, exercise foundation, problem solving, and much more!

If you have a suit please bring it! However it is not required for this seminar; we will have puppy toys, rags, and sleeves available for use.

Decoy Working Spots - $200/day (this for a human working spot, NOT a dog)
Max 9 decoy working spots a day

Auditing is allowed! - $105/day
Max 8 per day

**If you are bringing a partner with you and you have a working spot, they MUST sign up for an auditing spot. Thank you!!**

We will need dogs for this seminar! Working spots and auditing spots will have the ability to be able to have their dog selected to work at this seminar. We need dogs of ALL levels and we welcome off-breeds! I will send out a form for information on your dog(s) closer to the seminar if you signed up for a working or auditing spot and then I will present this information to Joaquim and he can select the dogs he wants to work for the seminar.


March 21-23, 2025

Joaquim Dovat Mondioring Seminar

Come work with one of the best! Each dog will get out at least twice and work on obedience (OB) and bitework (suit or sleeve).

Friday we are hoping to be OUTSIDE off-site at a field. Exact address and more details will go out closer to the date for registered attendees. Saturday and Sunday will be at NEK9A in Hanover, MA.


  • Working Spots - $250/day ALL DAYS FULL WAIT-LIST STARTED
    Max 9 working dogs a day

  • Auditing (no dog) - $105/day
    Max 6 per day
    **If you are bringing a partner with you and you have a working spot, they MUST sign up for an auditing spot. Thank you!!**


Saturday March 29, 2025

CDSP Competition Obedience Trial!

Thursday April 3 & 10th

Focus & Engagement for the Sport Dog
2-part series, $150/dog, limit 5 dogs

7-8PM: This class is for dogs who are interested in sports training, but are distracted or over-aroused. This class will be specially curated to fit the needs of the dogs accepted into this class. For this class dogs will need a pre-requisite of doing private lessons with April first to ensure your dog is set up for success for the group class setting. The number of privates is dependent on the dog, there is no set number.

***You must receive approval to join this class from the instructor April. This class is not for dogs who are dog or human aggressive, reactive dogs will be taken on a case by case basis to ensure the class is a successful environment for all those attending. You must be able to attend both the classes in this series as this class is a progressive class that will build upon the prior class.***

If you are interested in this class please send us an email to info@newenglandk9athlete.com